
Visitor Ethics

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Ethics for surveyors

1.1 Confidentiality

• Surveyors must maintain the secrecy of medical facilities acquired during the survey.

• Surveyors are prohibited from taking pictures, recording audio, or videotaping while on duty.

• Surveyors should not ask for documents or samples of the medical facility to use.

• Surveyors should destroy or return all documents relating to the medical facility visited. when the result of the accreditation of that hospital has been announced

1.2 Prevention of Conflicts of Interest

• Surveyors should not use their visitor status for personal gain.

• Visitors should not accept gifts, favors, receptions. or any other benefit This will be considered to have an effect on quality assurance decisions.

• A survey visitor must not visit a medical facility or its affiliated medical facility where he/she used to provide counseling or professional practice. Within a period of 2 years

• Surveyors must not request any facilities other than those co-ordinated by the Foundation with the medical facility.

• Visitors report conflicts of interest or conflicts of interest to the institution prior to the survey visit.

1.3 Other ethics

• Surveyors should respect the rights and dignity of those involved, i.e. patients, relatives, health care workers. and visitors together

• The surveyor should not cause the misunderstanding that the medical facility will be accredited without an official announcement from the HAI.